Landing at Chicago. It was covered in snow and the shore of Lake Michigan was frozen
At O'Hare, preparing to board my long flight (13 hours) to Tokyo
At Tokyo Narita, waiting to board my 7.5 hours flight to Changi at Singapore
I went to Mustafa (in Singapore) to buy a cell phone
Somewhere in the Malacca peninsula, in Malaysia
In Malayisa, we ate the largest Alaskan crab I have ever seen
In Kuala Lumpur
At my old office! Standard Chartered Bank, 6 Battery Road in Singapore.
By the Singapore River
I gave a talk at National University of Singapore (NUS) about turnarounds. Here I am receiving a present
With good friends Erick, Ginna & kids
At the Shangri-la Hotel in Singapore, where I was going to celebrate a Chinese New Year party