Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cleaning habits

Here in Singapore I found something that I have not decided yet how much it bothers me. One the one hand, it's good but on the other is anoying.

Let me explain. At several places that I have been to (my office, restaurants, malls, etc) public bathrooms are in general clean. This is the good part (at least according to my opinion, my wife thinks bathrooms are disgusting). The problem -at least for men- is that almost always women clean the restrooms. This in itself is not suprising. What bothers me is they clean them when men are using the services.

Worse, men don't seem to bother or even acknowledge the existance of the cleaning ladies and continue on with their business. Both parties trully ignore each other and nobody seems to mind.

Maybe the way I was brought up is old fashioned and westerner, but whenever I encounter a lady cleaner in a bathroom, I simply cannot use it. I cannot ignore her, as though she did not exist. I refuse to accept a cultural norm that negates the existance of people holding certain jobs.

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