Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mandarines and soccer

Chinese New Year is almost here and there are decorations everywhere for this special holiday. In particular I have noticed mandarines in walls, trees and decorations . Last Saturday I took my 4-year old son to his soccer practice at Singapore American School in a area called Woodlands, at the north of the island. During the trip there, I saw a mandarin orchard in the middle of the tropical forest. As I understand it, the mandarin means wealth and prosperity and thus the reason for using the fruit in this celebration.

My children attend a relatively small international Christian school called ICS (International Community School). Because of its size, ICS does not offer any after- school sports activities and we take them to the largest international school: SAS (Singapore American School)

As usual, when we arrived to SAS the guards at the main gate stopped us and inspected the trunk and the bottom of the car for possible bombs. Also as usual, there was a Singaporean special force policeman wileding a machine gun. SAS is the only place where I have seen such special forces policeman deployed permanentely. I guess that reflects the hightened terror level for Americans abroad.

Once at the soccer fields, Daniel got to play with his team. Most of his teamates are Americans, there is one Korean and another kid I think is from China. During the game, the kids chase and kick the ball and there is no record of scoring goals. Daniel enjoys the game and he is always looking forward to suiting up and play. I hope he continues to like sports in the future.

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